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I Heard Them

I heard them

I heard them through the wall of my hotel room

muffled words at first


and hers

I heard them

then I didn’t

and my mind un-sprung

from the swiftness

of their silence

I heard nothing

but heard everything

through creaks and bumps

shaping into


I swear I could hear

the slow pull of a zipper

her jeans fall to the floor

as loud as thunder

I heard the choice

And in the silence

I heard her gasp

at the edge of surrender

I heard him pause

then take everything

And then I heard them

I heard the fury of voices

without words

I heard their indifference

to everything outside their walls

I heard them

over and over I heard

then muffled words

closing door

and silence

I heard them

I heard them through the wall of my hotel room

and in the silence

I heard everything

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